A.R.C.H. Life Coach Practitioners
Below is a list of ARCH coaches and practitioners who we highly recommend for holistic and integrative coaching and healing based on the ARCH model, and some practitioners integrate other healing approaches as well. These coaches have all been certified in the ARCH training and have been in supervision with us and are gifted coaches.
Christine Camilleri – website: https://www.christinemiyocamilleri.com/life-coaching
Jeanie Chan – website: http://cosmiclighthealingcenter.com
Nancy Volante – website: https://www.imaginewellnesscoach.com/
Alexandra Bobek – website: https://www.Alexandrabobek.com/Alexandrabobek.com
Just as Your Trauma is Unique to You… so is Your Path to Healing
If you have experienced any level of trauma, neglect or abuse and are lacking a strong and clear sense of yourself, this book is for you. It will guide you in how to heal and regain a sense of wholeness and empower you to live a life with more purpose, meaning and joy.
The journey to healing and freedom takes time, but is a profound path for personal growth and empowerment.
We all have experienced some level of trauma — from early experiences of emotional and relational trauma to more extreme experiences of physical, sexual and emotional neglect or abuse. We want to empower you in finding your own path to healing and reclaiming your true self. This is a holistic guide providing practical steps and techniques that you can use as tools in your healing process.